
Harmuth Frästechnik Profi CNC Fräsmaschinen F+Serie 05

F+Serie Vertikal

Harmuth Frästechnik Profi CNC Fräsmaschinen F+Serie Vertikal 05


Harmuth Frästechnik Profi CNC Fräsmaschinen Vertiform 03

Which machine is right for me ?

We have three different basic types two of which can also be manufactured vertically. Basically, it depends on the materials, speeds and functions to be processed.

Overview of the differences

 F+Serie, F+Serie Vertikal, Vertiform and Profi-Serie 1  have a steel frame with a low-vibration aluminum portal. They differ in speed and range of functions.
These systems can be manufactured as a normal horizontal machine or in a space-saving vertical version.

 F+Serie, F+Serie Vertikal is the entry-level model; stepper motor technology (ClosedLoop) is installed here. The controller is limited in its functions compared to the Profi-Serie 1+2 and Vertiform  (see table bellow) We recommend this machine if speed and a wide range of functions are not required. Plastic production, advertising technology, aluminum processing, and much more.

Overview Profi-Serie 1+2 and Vertiform

 Profi-Serie 2  series is a complete heavy steel construction and is custom made.

 Profi-Serie 1+2 und Vertiform are laser measured on all axes (axis correction) and are therefore very precise at all positions.

 Vertiform und Profi-Serie 1  with industrial control from Beckhoff, this machine has a very large range of functions and a high level of functionality Speeds Plastic production, advertising technology, aluminum processing, and much more.

 Profi-Serie 2  combines high speeds with extreme stability. We recommend this machine when very heavy or very long components are to be manufactured. The special table provides a great number of clamping options Vehicle construction, aircraft construction

Equipment options for the machines – at a glace

ModelF+Serie / F+Vertikal
Entry-level model with stepper motor technology (Closed loop systems)
Vertiform / Profi-Serie 1
for craft & industry with servo motors (Beckhoff)
Profi-Serie 2
for industry with servo motors (Beckhoff)
constructionMachine base made of steel
Heavy aluminum portal
Machine base made of steel
Heavy aluminum portal
Machine base made of steel
Steel reinforced portal for
large heavy milling motors
DrivesDriven mother
with closed loop stepper motors
Drives base ball screw with
Servomotors (multiturn absolute value system)
X- and Y-axis via angular gear
Z-axis via ball screw spindle
Vacuum table incl.
Tool changer
Tangentially controlled milling spindle
(encoder-controlled milling spindle)
Additional axes for 2nd / 3rd Milling spindle
Tangential knife manual change via C-axis automatic change via tool changer automatic change via tool changer
Scoring wheel manual change via C-axis automatic change via tool changer automatic change via tool changer
Oscillating knife manual change via C-axis automatic change via tool changer automatic change via tool changer
V-cut knife automatic change via tool changer automatic change via tool changer
"Dynacut" spray unit
"Menzel" spray unit
remote control
Zero point stops
Optical registration mark recognition
Point / cross laser
Height measurement Workpiece surface
T-slot table
Rollable control unit
LED light
Vacuum pump side channel blower
Vaccum pump Busch Mink 0312
Automatic vaccum field
Industrial vacuum cleaner (simple)
Industrial vacuum cleaner (Profi 3kW)
Industrial vacuum cleaner (Profi 4kW regulated)
Pneumatic vice
Saw unit (swiveling) as C-axis
Carousel changer

Legend: not available | selectable | Our recommendation (minimum equipment)

Material applications with our models – Overview

ModellF+SerieF+VertikalVertiformProfi-Serie 1Profi-Serie 2
Milling materials:
composite materials of plastic or aluminum composite
Acrylic over 50 mm
Aluminum up to 10 mm
Aluminium over 10 mm
Steel and V2A
with small cutter and thin material suitable for occasional milling work

suitable for occasional milling work

with suitable milling spindle, low speed, a lot of power

Legend:  not recommended | recommended | limitted use

Our machines: